Tuesday, August 17, 2010

lyk OMG

So, I work at a movie theater. Tonight, there was a problem with some texters in one of our busiest shows, The Expendables. They were talked to multiple times before the manager had to go in and ask them to leave. It boggles my mind what people will do in a theater.

You spent money to see this movie, you took time out of your day to come to the theater, purchase a ticket, and watch a movie. But instead of watching the movie you spent nine dollars to watch, you choose to text throughout the whole thing? I don't get it. Not only is common courtesy because there are people around you who you are distracting with your phone light, it is also against the rules and can get you kicked out of the theater all together. Why bother? Why not just enjoy the movie? And if you hate it that much, then leave and go do something you are actually going to enjoy rather than wasting everyone's time (your's, the people around you, the employees who have to go warn you multiple times.)

And then there's making out. I know it's a cliche that, to an extent, everyone wants to partake in, but it's distracting and gross and pointless. Again, you paid money to watch this movie, the people around paid money to watch the movie, instead of enjoying it, you are just indulging in PDA. You could have spent no money and done that at home. It's distracting (I should know, I watched Alice in Wonderland with two people next to me making out) and disgusting and a waste of your time.

But mostly, the texting bugs me. Not just in a movie theater, but everywhere. At the dinner table, in the movie theater, in the middle of a conversation with someone, at work. I mean, really. Can't you unplug yourself for five minutes? I have seen people sitting right next to each other in the living room, texting EACH OTHER. Does that make any sense to anyone?

No, me either.

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