Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Usually, I would write this really long post about all the things I like and don't like. Not this time. This time, I'm just going to say a few things.

First of all, don't expect predictability from this blog. I will post a lot of random things, such as youtube videos, book and movie recommendations, rants, political rants, personal writings, and probably more. Just know that I will try and post every single day.

Now, to start, I will just say one thing. GET EDUCATED EDUCATORS! Wow, let's just jump right into a rant. Right now, I am going to a public high school that's the best in my state and probably one of the best in the nation. So why have they decided to dumb us down? Let's get rid of the many different levels of math and English classes that ensure that students can succeed no matter what their level of knowledge is.

THIS ISN'T GOING TO MAKE US SMARTER! My school got below proficiency in the NECAPS overall last year. You know why? Because when our percentage is in the high-to-mid-nineties, there isn't much improvement we can possibly achieve. We're so good, we can't get better.

They tried to cancel Honors English classes, but brought them back when too many parents complained. The same thing happened with the Latin program, and now they are looking for a teacher. My AP Government teacher has had the principal tell him more of his students need to get a score of three on the exam. The majority of his students get a score of four or five. There are so many other examples of my school trying to dumb down its student body. Is it to improve NECAP scores? Or just because they feel like switching things up? Who knows.

America wonders why its level of education is so low compared to the rest of the world. Now, I could rant about the price of education in America compared to the socialized version in the rest of the world, but I won't. Let me just say this. Throwing a student who can barely add or read into a regular, college-prep level of English or Math is not going to help them succeed. And throwing a student capable of doing Calculus into a Algebra 1 class because that's the level they are supposed to be at for their grade level is just going to pull them down, not make the class smarter. Teach people according to their own abilities, not the abilities you wish everyone had.

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